First Name * Last Name * Business Name * Business Address * Phone * Email * I know how much money I'll need annually after I leave my company to live a comfortable post-business life. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I know when, how, and to whom I want to leave my business. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) The current value of my company meets or exceeds the value I'll need to retire comfortably. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I know the after-tax I will need from my business to meet my financial objectives. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My key employees are motivated to grow the long-term value of the company. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I have created a written, realistic, growth strategy for my company that aligns with my Exit Plan. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I have taken steps to protect my most valuable business assets. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I seek and implement tax-efficacy strategies in my business. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I've completed pre-sale due diligence and addresses all issues identified. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I've completed tax planning to maximize the after-tax sale proceeds I will receive. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I know whether, and for how much, companies in my industry are selling. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I have documented the non-financial characteristics that make my company valuable to a buyer. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I would prefer to transfer my business to family, or key employees, if they have sufficient resources. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I know how to transfer my business to family, employees, or co-owners for top dollar while paying the minimal amount in taxes. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My insider transfer plan will not upset my family members. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My successor has the skills and knowledge to run the business. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) I have written a contingency plan for my business should something happen to me. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My key employees will remain with the company if I die or become incapacitated. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My family will have financial security if I die or become incapacitated before I transfer the company. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) My estate planning explicitly addresses my business priorities. * 1(completely unsure) - 5(I have a plan in place) Leave this field blank